Tuesday, October 23, 2012

365 - fin

Dear Momma Ria,

The date came and went quietly.  I struggled for weeks to know if the date should be met with great fanfare, or if it deserved a kind of gentle fading away.  In the end, I chose to shoot some photos, but let the day pass peacefully.  The truth is, as hard as it's been to keep this going for a year, it has been my last earthly connection to you.  It was a place to come everyday and share something with you.  Even when  I fell behind for a long string of days, always I was taking the photos for you for a kind of cosmic, other worldly show and tell.  

So I tried to avoid ending this and really, I'm the boss of it so I don't have to.  But then I feel something (maybe someone?  is it you?)  pushing me to wrap this up, like maybe you want me to move on.  Maybe to something bigger and better?  

I have felt you here all year.  I have.  I'm not sure what that says about me...that I feel closest to you here, on the internet, on a blog.  But I do and I'm afraid that if I wrap this up, I will not find you again. 

Still, I feel you pushing.  Perhaps you already know where we will connect next and it's you nudging me in the right direction. 

So, to that end, here is the final photo Momma, 365 days later.  

from this

to this

It seemed fitting to end where we began, just me and Brandon, right here on our our anniversary.  A perfect day to remember that "love does make all the difference."

Thank you for that.


12 missing days